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15 Easy Steps to Earn Money Online with Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Man counting Money

One of the safest and clean ways to come up with a decent online income stream is through an Amazon affiliate website. If you are well aware of basic HTML then you can launch your own website in a day. But that’s only the first step and to make money you will have to get the targeted traffic to your website to make sales.

To achieve your desired results always do a thorough research of the niche you want to work on and try not to do what everyone else is doing. These methods will help you to get closer to success.

If you have no idea how to build a website then learn some basic HTML

This will save you money because the knowledge of HTML will help you to insert links, pictures and text in your website. Even if you are thinking about getting your website developed from a professional then still by knowing the basics of HTML, you will be able to judge the developer’s work and manage your website after the development process.

Look for the suitable Niche

On Amazon the commission ranges from 1% to 10% so try to look for the product line that is in high demand or in which you are naturally interested in. Because if you will try to sell a product you do not like then you will lose interest in this work very soon.

Select a domain name according to your niche

Before picking a domain name think about how people can find you on the internet. The domain name should not be unique but it should match your work or the targeted keywords. Always look for a name you think people would try to search on search engines to find your website and products.

Acquire the domain name is currently one of the biggest platforms that offer great deals on domain management tools. You can easily purchase your desired domain name from the website for as low as 10 USD per year.

Set up web hosting for your domain (website)

While setting up web hosting for your website do not look for an expensive hosting package because you will not need a 10 USD per month hosting for your new website. There are penalty of web hosting providers that offer hosting services for multiple domains for as low as 5 USD per month.

Install WordPress to setup your website

The WordPress is the best option to give your website a good structure and to post content on your website. It is easy to use and very efficient. All you need to do is to download and install the WordPress.

Make it look pretty and easy to browse

There are a lot of templates available on the WordPress that can make your website look pretty and easy to use.

Make Categories

You can set up categories on your website because this will make it easier for your visitors to browse through your website. This will also save time for them because it will help them to narrow down their search.

Visit and sign up as a Amazon Affiliate Program (Amazon Associate)

Now all you need to do is to go to and look for Join Associates Button at the bottom of the screen. Make sure your website is well set before signing up for Amazon Associate because the website manually checks the website before approving it for the website.

Make blog posting bookmarks and links

At the posting page on your blog you will find bookmarklet. Click on the bookmarklet link and drag it to your favorites menu. This will help you update your blog with just one click.

Make your Amazon Build A Link bookmark

After logging in to your Amazon affiliate account, use the navigation sidebar and look for Build-A-Link. Then click on items under the Static Links and drag the items to your Favorites menu.

Build your first link

Once you are logged in to your Amazon Associate account (your affiliate account) look for the products of your choice which means the products you are willing to review. After doing that use the Site Stripe in order to get your modified link to the item.

Blog your review

Write your review and click on the blog posting link. You will see to pieces of code on the posting form:

The first one will end at “Associates Build-A-Link></a>”. Delete the first one ending with “></a>”. The second part will have your Amazon associate link. Just write your review, select the suitable category and click on Publish.

Work on your Site

Consistency is the key in this work. Make sure you update your website (blog) with regular reviews. You should post several reviews for the products from different categories. Try to publish articles about the things you learn through Amazon and news related to your niche. This will help your blog (website) grow quickly.

Promote your Blog

Take part in online discussions and get in contact with the people who focusing on similar topics and let them know about your blog. In this way you will find some recognition and with time you will be able to generate decent traffic for your blog.

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