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Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Remotely

Young woman working from home

In the year 2015, it was estimated that almost 45 percent of US employees worked from home (remotely). Due to the pandemic the trend of working from home has increased and it is now estimated that over 50 percent of employees prefer working from home or remotely. Mobile platforms, online storage and data sharing and video conference software has made it easier for employees and employers to stay in contact. Internet is limitless now and employers are hiring people from different parts of the world.

On top of it new websites have emerged to help those who are aiming to work remotely. It seems like the trend of working remotely will increase in the coming day. However there are pros and cons with everything. If you are thinking about leaving your office job and switching to work from home or another location then it is better for you to first go through the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely.

Advantages of working remotely

You can work from anywhere you want

Thanks to the internet because of the internet you do not have the geographical boundaries to get your job done. Moreover the 9 to 5 working hours do not apply when it comes to work remotely. Employees can now do their job from anywhere they want and at any time they want.

No daily traffic hassle

Most employees do not prefer travelling from home to their workplaces. Working from home can help you avoid daily traffic hassle and travel issues. You can start your work early without any stress.

It is healthy

People working from home or remotely have more time to take care of themselves. When you are working from home you are not exposed to the workers who are ill. On the other side if you are ill then your colleagues will not be exposed to your bacteria while working remotely.

Work Flexibility

You will be in-charge of your work routine and schedule. Working remotely will help you to improve your family life and you will be able to give more time to your family. You will be able to go out, get your kids from school, buy grocery and attend functions, etc. all you will have to do is to meet the project deadlines and do your efficiently.

Cost effective

If you are working from home, you will not have to travel to your workplace daily; you will not need business attire to get properly dressed before going to office.  This means that you will save cash on transportation, clothes and lunch.

Disadvantages of working remotely

Require a lot of discipline

When you work from home then you can lose motivation and focus because of numerous distractions. It takes a lot of patience and dedication to do your job while working from home. You will have to stay disciplined and structure your environment that keeps you motivated and engaged.


When you work from home you lack daily face to face meetings with your colleagues. Workers working from home often feel isolated or bored. In order to counter this issue, you should try to schedule lunch with your colleagues and bosses.

No promotion for remote workers

The employees working in the office are more prone to getting promoted. Remote workers are normally considered as outsourced workers therefore most companies offer them contracts and they are not promoted to the higher ranks in the company.

Dependent on technology

As a remote working you will be dependent on emails, mobile phone, laptop and internet in order to report your daily work. Without these things you will not be able to work properly and you will require latest equipment from time to time because of technological evolution.

Work from home has become a new trend and most people are finding it fruitful. Smartphones and internet has made it a lot easier for us to stay connected 24/7. It is expected that in the coming year the ratio of remote workers will significantly increase. If you are thinking about working from home or if you are already a remote worker and want to start an office job then we recommend you to go through the pros and cons of both work formats.

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