
How to Negotiate a Project Budget as Freelancer like a Pro

As a freelancer, negotiating rate with your client especially the clients with low budget can be very challenging. The freelancing industry is growing day by day and as a freelancer where you are trying your luck hard with gigs and contracts, negotiating the rate matters a lot. You can give a strong boost to your career and earnings by finalizing your rate according to your desire. Thus, if you…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Remotely

In the year 2015, it was estimated that almost 45 percent of US employees worked from home (remotely). Due to the pandemic the trend of working from home has increased and it is now estimated that over 50 percent of employees prefer working from home or remotely. Mobile…

What is a CMS - Top 4 CMS You Need to Know In 2022?

A content management system (CMS) is a web application that offers a user friendly interface to develop and manage a website instead of using code. The base of every website is code but whenever we think about coding, we normally get visions of tech savvy geeks coming up…