
What is a CMS - Top 4 CMS You Need to Know In 2022?

A content management system (CMS) is a web application that offers a user friendly interface to develop and manage a website instead of using code. The base of every website is code but whenever we think about coding, we normally get visions of tech savvy geeks coming up with codes in order to develop something. Because coding is not easy and a normal person cannot develop a website by coding…
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How Much Time Should We Spend on Social Media?

Nowadays social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have become an essential part of our lives. Especially for students and teenagers, social media is huge because it offers them ease in terms of communication and sharing thoughts with each other. These…

All You Need to Know About Social Media & Our Privacy

Social media platforms are playing a huge role in our daily lives. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have made it a lot easier for us to share things online. But we must understand that sharing information or other things on social media is different from sharing and…

Social Media Addiction & Its impact on Mental Health

Many Psychologists from different parts of the world are of the view that the use of social media can be very addictive. Its consequences are pretty similar to other addictions like depression, anxiety, lack of self-belief and many more. It is not hidden anymore that…

Importance of Gold and Silver during the Covid Crises

Prices of precious metals are continuing to stay high during the current wave of Pandemic. The prices of metals like gold and silver are high and it seems like these metals will perform well throughout the Pandemic crises. The ongoing financial turmoil and risky stock market…